Herts FullStop is currently following the official guidance from Public Health England with regards to Coronavirus (COVID -19) and is closely monitoring information and developments.

We are continuously making adjustments across our business to provide the best service possible. Our next day delivery service resumed on Wednesday 25th March 2020. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Our Customer Service Team is working hard to contact customers who have already placed orders for items to confirm whether they will receive all items requested or to advise of any delays. We are working closely with key suppliers establishing a task force to monitor inbound orders and ensure supply of products to customers as we endeavour to replenish stocks as fast as possible.

As an organisation we have encouraged employees to work from home and to minimise travel. All our employees have been supported to follow Public Heath England advice and take the steps required to keep their families, and colleagues safe to reduce as much as possible the risk of contracting and spreading the virus.

We have already made a series of adjustments to our parcel handling procedures. We are keeping our ways of working under review. We will keep you informed.

We have issued consistent communication across the business to ensure employees are following handwashing processes and have installed sanitisers across our office, warehouse, distribution and transport teams.

All our drivers have been issued with disposable gloves, which they are changing between each delivery. We can also now offer ‘no contact’ deliveries. Please call and advise our Customer Services team on 01707 292 300 if you would like our drivers to leave your parcels at a specific delivery point onsite.


We have updated our Delivery procedure as of 1st June 2020:

·        Picking and packing of goods is undertaken in a warehouse environment maintaining social distancing with PPE and Masks provided.

·        Our Transport Team will ensure drivers vehicles are maintained with sanitisers, gloves and mask quantities at all times.

·        Our drivers wear protective gloves and carry hand sanitisers in their vehicles. Hands are sanitised and gloves are changed between deliveries.

·        Our drivers will deliver your items whilst maintaining social distancing at all times.

·        If customers request our drivers leave items in a specified point of delivery outside of the building our drivers will comply with this request.

·        Driver will change disposable gloves and sanitise upon leaving each destination.


These are challenging and exceptional circumstances – we thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

If you have any queries or concerns please contact Customer Service on 01707 292 300.


For information, PPE is defined as the following by the DFE: 

·        Fluid-resistant surgical face masks

·        Disposable gloves

·        Disposable plastic aprons

·        Eye protection (for example a face visor or goggles)



How should PPE and face coverings be disposed of?


Used PPE and any disposable face coverings that staff, children, young people or other learners arrive wearing should be placed in a refuse bag and can be disposed of as normal domestic waste unless the wearer has symptoms of coronavirus, in line with the guidance on cleaning for non-healthcare settings .

Any homemade non-disposable face coverings that staff or children, young people or other learners are wearing when they arrive at their setting must be removed by the wearer and placed into a plastic bag that the wearer has brought with them in order to take it home. The wearer must then clean their hands.

To dispose of waste from people with symptoms of coronavirus, such as disposable cleaning cloths, tissues and PPE:

·        put it in a plastic rubbish bag and tie it when full

·        place the plastic bag in a second bin bag and tie it

·        put it in a suitable and secure place marked for storage for 72 hours


Waste should be stored safely and securely kept away from children. You should not put your waste in communal waste areas until the waste has been stored for at least 72 hours. Storing for 72 hours saves unnecessary waste movements and minimises the risk to waste operatives. This waste does not require a dedicated clinical waste collection in the above circumstances.

Settings such as residential care homes or special schools that generate clinical waste should continue to follow their usual waste policies.


More information can be found on the DFE website.


Health and safety update 23rd January 2022



·        We will ensure 2 metres social distancing within our warehouse

·        Regular cleaning of all workstations will be carried out before the start of work   including keyboards in the warehouse and desks and keyboards in the office

·        All our staff members will be encouraged to wear face coverings in communal areas, including the warehouse, toilets, canteen, and the warehouse offices (due to their busy nature) unless medically exempt and previously discussed with their line manager.

·        We will ensure our windows and doors are to be kept open in offices during working hours

·        During the cold weather most shutters will be opened to a maximum of 30cm unless loading or unloading is taking place or they can be opened fully

·        We will ensure when loading vehicles, all touch points will be sanitised before and after use

·        All dirty masks and gloves will be placed in a black disposable sack, tied at the top and placed in a bin

·        All our Forklift truck touch points will be sanitised before and after use



·        All our drivers are encouraged to wear face coverings when delivering to your school

·        Our drivers will deliver your items whilst always maintaining social distancing of 2 metres

·        We will ensure our vehicles are sanitised before and after use including all touch points

·        All dirty masks will be placed in a black disposable sack, tied at the top and placed in a bin

·        We will ensure whilst driving where possible windows on our vehicles are open

·        You will be asked for a signature for deliveries. If you're unable to do this the driver will ask for your customer name (surname and first name) and will write this information onto the manifest or manual delivery note


Supply  chain update

Due to the events in Ukraine we have been receiving enquiries from customers seeking assurance about our supply chain.
We have undertaken a thorough review of our supply chain and can confirm that we don’t have any suppliers based in Russia that have a contract to supply Herts FullStop or its customers with goods or services. Further to this, we are not aware of any products that we supply that originate in either Russia or Belarus.

We will continue to monitor the situation, and the list of individuals and companies sanctioned by the UK Government to ensure that all of our products and services continue to comply with all relevant legislation.

If you have a specific area of concern that you would like further guidance on, please contact customer services on 01707 292 300.

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